Online Roulette Table Explained


Unquestionably, one of the most played casino games in the world is roulette, and online casinos have benefited greatly from its popularity. In actuality, the majority of gamblers choose to play roulette online since it provides a wider selection of tables, themes, and rules.

Before you spin the online roulette wheel you’ll need to comprehend the rules and strategy of the game. While it may appear like the number and colour pockets on the roulette wheel are randomly placed, this is untrue and depends on the type of Roulette you have selected to play. We'll be looking at the layout of the three most popular roulette variations in today's Lord Ping guide.

American Roulette Table Layout

There is only one difference between the table and the European one, yet it is incredibly well-liked (and sometimes loathed) among fans of roulette. There is one more number on the roulette wheel. In front of the regular 0 is a double zero that is in a green sector. Due to the additional space, the digits are spread out completely differently and are now 38 rather than 37. You don't need to be aware of any specifics about the American roulette table in order to place a bet; the process is generally the same.

The configuration (the green cloth-covered portion) differs from the European version in that two sections—one for each of the two green sectors of the wheel—are located where the zero would be on the American roulette table. You won't require much time to get started with the gameplay because the complete setup is quite simple to memorise. The same principles apply to bets, with the inner ones offering bigger payouts. You can again gamble on a single colour, or on even numbers, let’s say.

French Roulette Table Layout

The numbers 1 through 36 are still arranged in three rows on the French roulette layout, with a zero at the top. The outside wagers, however, are very different. The "Manque" and the "Impair," or wagers on numbers 1 through 18 and odd numbers, are located on one side of the single numbers. The area with red slots is located next to them.

On the other side, you can place a "Passe" wager for numbers 19 through 36, a "Pair" wager for even numbers, and a "Black" wager. Then, three portions with the writings "P12," "M12," and "D12" will be seen. The P stands for the first 12 numerals. While the D is for the third, the M is for the second. As you may have observed, some of the articles are in French, however, the majority of the casino tables are also available in English. For beginner players, it might be a little overwhelming, and getting acclimated to the structure of the French roulette table can take some time. However, once you figure it out, you can play flawlessly. The house edge for French roulette is also the lowest!

European Table Layout

The layout of European roulette is probably what you consider to be standard. The European wheel has 37 pockets or slots. They are made up of a green one for the zero and the numerals 1 through 36. Otherwise, the table's betting area is represented by the 18 black and 18 red slots. It is simple to learn how to play on and is, if not the most popular worldwide, then it certainly shares the top spot with the American variety. No matter if you choose to play online or at a real-world casino, the table typically looks the same. While French Roulette offers the lowest house edge, and American Roulette the highest, the statistics of European Roulette sit perfectly in the middle.

Play Online Roulette at LordPing

Some players are devout fans of American Roulette while others will only play French Roulette tables, and others swear by European Roulette. There are positives and drawbacks to all types of roulette, and which variant appeals to you depends on the experience you’re looking for as a player. At Lord Ping you’ll find a broad selection of roulette tables available for play at any time, allowing you to experiment with the different variants and find the type of roulette that speaks to you. Sign up and play today.


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