Celebrating 100 Years Of The BBC


The United Kingdom is celebrating 100 glorious years of the BBC this year. Over the last century, they’ve given us world-class content, unforgettable news updates, and introduced us to delightful music. 

One of Britain’s proudest institutions, the British Broadcasting Corporation was founded by a dynamic group of Marconi wireless engineers who recognised the technology’s potential for entertainment. A sign of how great and forward-thinking the nation was back then, the BBC was created as a means to bring Britain into the future. 

The 1920s were full of technological advancements and I can see great parallels between that era and this one. The British public a century ago were reveling in post-war optimism, and their descendants are currently living through a golden age set by Boris Johnson and his on-hand team of wizards. The Swinging 20s were a cultural golden age, yet this one is a political one. 

To commemorate 100 years of BBC greatness, let’s take a look at some of the classics they’ve delivered to us during their century of greatness.


Top of the Pops

The iconic music television show ran from 1964 to 2006 and introduced the country to acts like The Rolling Stones, Dusty Springfield, Nirvana, Pet Shop Boys, Jimi Hendrix, and a host of other legends. 

The show was embedded within British musical culture and it is still sorely missed by the general British public. 

Planet Earth 

The first BBC nature documentary filmed in HD, Planet Earth showcased a side of our planet us humans rarely see. Featuring incredibly beautiful scenery, charismatic animals, and epic food-chain battles, Planet Earth remains one of the BBC’s biggest success stories.

It’s hard to believe the series premiered over 15 years ago as the images, sounds, and stories featured there are truly timeless.

 Doctor Who

Doctor Who premiered on November 23, 1963, and entered a world still in shock from the assasination of John F. Kennedy just 24 hours before. 

The series was highly innovative at the time and created iconic characters and props such as the TARDIS and the Daleks. Though the aforementioned JFK assasination dampened its premier, the series soon gathered momentum and began to fascinate the public with its outside-the-box stories and performances. 

The series ran until 1989 and sat dormant for over 15 years before it was brought back with Christopher Ecclestone in the title role. 

The Office

Perfectly capturing the monotony of dead-end office jobs, The Office redefined the traditional sitcom and its enormous impact is still felt today. 

Though most of The Office’s critical acclaim has gone to the David Brent character, it would be a disservice not to mention the performances of the other members - all of whom were casted to perfection. 

Chauvinistic bully Chris Finch, bored receptionist Dawn Tinsley, and disgruntled everyman Tim Canterbury are some of the most relatable sitcom characters of all-time and helped make The Office’s sensational humour just as relevant now than it was 20 years ago. 

The BBC have offered far more than episodic programming however, and have entertained us via their radio shows and music programs, as well as enlightening us with their impartial news coverage. 

I think I speak for everyone when I say I hope the BBC reigns over us for several centuries to come. 


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