Fossilised Alien Corpse Revealed


Elaborate Hoax?

The baffling samples certainly look like something out of E.T., but their legitimacy is still up for debate. Some say the samples look too much like pop culture depictions of aliens, whilst others suggest that they look too life-like to be an elaborate hoax. 

The conversation will continue until the corpses - allegedly discovered in an algae mine in 2017 -  are thoroughly investigated. If the discovery is found to be genuine, then we would need to rethink everything we thought we knew about our place in the Solar System. 

These specimens are not part of our evolutionary history on Earth," said journalist and UFO researcher Jamie Maussan. Speaking under oath, he stated: ‘’They are not beings recovered from a UFO crash. Instead, they were found in diatom (algae) mines and subsequently became fossilised.’’

UFO researchers have developed a reputation for stretching the truth, though, as a 2015 ‘alien’ discovery in Peru was later debunked and proven to be the remains of a centuries-old youth. It’d be unfair to label them liars with this discovery, however, and we’ll wait for further investigation to be carried out. 

Roswell Anniversary

I find it suspicious that this discovery is taking place on the 75th anniversary of the infamous Roswell incident - an event legendary among UFO enthusiasts. Discussions of a UFO cover-up have been rampant since then, though no concrete evidence has ever come to light. 

I have my doubts, but I’m always happy to admit I’m wrong. If there is indeed other life in the universe, then I dread to think of what effects it’ll have on society. Perhaps we’re better off not thinking about that. As far as I’m concerned, the only extraordinary life force I’m willing to acknowledge is the Royal Family. I’m sure the aliens, if they exist, would agree with me, and perhaps our wonderful institution was the reason why they crash-landed to Earth in the first place. 

If Aliens do indeed live among us, then the first thing we need to teach them is how to act like graceful, respectful Royal citizens. If our outer-space friends saw how morally-thin this society is, then there’s every chance they’ll leave us once again, never to return. #


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