France Outlaws The Use Of ‘Stake’


Common Sense Prevails

Finally, a good bit of common sense from our neighbours on the other side of the Chanel. France has outlawed 23 terms that were previously used to describe plant-based food.

These include ‘steak’, ‘rime rib’ and ‘ham’. Things I think we can all agree on as being words to describe meat and traditional food, not this horrid, processed muck that is filling shelves and restaurant menus these days.

I’d expect something similar to spread across the world and I think it should be the standard that we stop describing fake foods using words from the real world. If these grass-eating hippies are so offended by the idea of eating a perfectly-seared steak then why try to claim the word as your own?

When processed soy beans and protein molecules are your foods of choice, own it and don’t try to pretend to yourself and consumers that it is any way real food.

Stop Dressing Up Our Food

I’ve lost count of the amount of times that I’ve been to a restaurant or bar and the menu or specials board has “stake” in big, bold handwriting on the specials board - often placed too far away so that the keywords are all you have to work with. 

Picking out “stake” from the board and instead of being greeted with the usual follow-up question about how you would like that cooked, the response from the waiter is to in fact confirm that you are mad enough to select a laboratory-grown experiment as your meal of choice.

Consumers of meat and proper food know what they’re doing, so leave us to it. We don’t have to dress our food up as something that is actually nice by pinching a name from something tasty. If a plant-based diet is your choice then enjoy that as it’s meant to be, you can keep your “rib eye” rehydrated protein science experiment.


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