Greenpeace Mob Vandalise Sunak’s Home


Sunak House Targeted

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak had his family home vandalised by a mob of morally-bankrupt Greenpeace activists earlier this week. Thankfully, our benevolent leader was on holiday at the time, but the psychological blow was clearly apparent. 

Sunak’s £2 million house was clearly the object of the activists’ envy as they draped it in 200 sq m of oily-black fabric in response to his stance on North Sea oil and gas drilling. The mob arrived at 6 am on Thursday and were able to run roughshod for over two hours before heroic police escorted them off the premises. 

For the vast majority of those protesters, it marks the last time they’ll be anywhere near a £2 million mansion and something tells me that this desecration was far more about jealousy than it was environmentalism. 

A banner reading ‘Rishi Sunak - Oil Profits or Our Future?’ was also displayed as the Greenpeace comrades audaciously knocked on the Prime Minister’s door. Had he been home, then God knows what the activists would’ve done to Sunak and the thought alone makes me feel physically sick. 

New North Sea Drilling

In a scene reminding me of the villains in Die Hard, one of the activists spoke to camera and said: 'We're all here because Rishi Sunak has opened the door to a new drilling frenzy in the North Sea while large parts of our world are literally on fire. This will be a disaster for the climate.’’

The statement isn’t offensive in itself as it’s clear more needs to be done to limit our dependency on fossil fuels, but I am seriously concerned with the conduct of Greenpeace and I wonder why they think it’s OK to rock up to the house of such a wealthy and important man without an invite. 

In my social circle, such behavour is sufficient to warrant an icy stare at the local yacht club or, even worse, a rejected handshake at a fundraising dinner. That world and level of social importance is new and completely alien to Greenpeace, but even people of their sort should know better.

The Prime Minister is currently on a family holiday in the USA right now, but I dread to think that he’ll come back to his home without feeling safe. Whilst critique and scrutiny should be a part of his job, a home invasion is simply unacceptable and I’d like to invite Greenpeace to think long and hard about what they’ve just done.


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