Hanging Boris Out To Dry Is Shameful


Boris Johnson’s position has been described as ‘untenable’ by his Tory MPs - proving just how backstabbing and trigger-happy his supposed supporters are.

After a review by the Metropolitan Police, it has been confirmed that Johnson did indeed take part in various social events during a time where mixing with others was banned and punishable by huge fines. 


Stop Undermining Boris

Whilst I’m just as irate about his alleged lockdown shenanigans as the next man, hanging him out to dry like this is overstepping the mark. Not only does it fly in the face of good old fashioned British loyalty, but it also makes our nation a sitting duck for nefarious overseas powers. Johnson has done a lot for this country and, in my opinion, has grown leaps and bounds as a leader over the past two and a half years. 

May I remind you that Boris is the man who has recently thrown caution to the wind and visited Ukraine and rested his arm across Volodymyr Zelensky’s shoulder. This is the man who has pledged almost £800 million to fight the good fight against Russia. This is the man who, when his back was against the wall, led Britain through the unprecedented battle against COVID-19 and was the face of our world-beating vaccination program. 

Woke Brigade At It Again

Woke Brigade At It Again

Now Is Not The Time For Resignation

In his relatively short reign as Prime Minister, Johnson has overseen more paradigm-shifting events than most politicians experience in their entire careers. The coronavirus pandemic forced him to adapt to his people whereas the ongoing conflict in Eastern Europe has sharpened his diplomatic skills even further. Love him or loathe him, we’ve all become used to seeing his scruffy head in office and there couldn’t be a worse time for him to resign. 

Britain must project an image of strength and unity in the face of Russia. If they sense any weaknesses in our armour, then they could pounce on us with the click of a finger. Before we know it, we could be speaking Russian and the Eastern European population of Blighty could grow even further. If we’re not careful, Russian ships could soon be pulling up on British shores as we’re distracted by this so-called scandal. What would we do then?

Time To Stand By Boris

We must stand with our Prime Minister no matter what. Regardless of what social justice enthusiast  Keir Starmer says, the nation must put ‘Partygate’ in the rear view mirror and continue marching down the road to complete sovereignty and optimism. Let’s not forget that Johnson himself almost died from COVID-19 and is, therefore, fully aware of its dangers and threats. 

The United Kingdom has much larger problems to face than what the Prime Minister may or may not have done two years ago. In traditional British, Christian spirit, I’m willing to forgive Boris for his momentary lapse of judgement and offer my full support of him as he leads this wonderful nation through an extremely testing time. 

Courageous Boris

Courageous Boris

Time To Abandon Partygate

The fact that the Met Police were so keen to investigate this non-matter is laughable and reeks of them trying to salvage their reputation from the depths after their torrid couple of years. In a last ditch attempt to appease the woke mob, they’ve poured millions of pounds of thousands of man hours into investigating Partygate. It’s nothing more than left-wing corruption and the effort is being paid with taxpayers’ money. 

This scandal should have been left in 2020. Two years later, Britain has a much more direct threat than a mere virus as it now has to deal with the hammer and sickles of Russia. Domestically, Britons face a huge living crisis and an energy crisis never before seen. It’s time we abandoned Partygate as not only is it irrelevant, but we weren’t on the guestlist anyway. 



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