How Dare Vandals Deface Thatcher Statue With Eggs!


A stunning statue of former Prime Minister Magaret Thatcher was unveiled last week in the town of Grantham, Lincolnshire, much to my approval. 

What should’ve been a monumental day of celebration for Thatcher and her glorious 11-year reign over the country quickly turned sour when it was vandalized by eggs. 

I watched in horror as this wonderful statue was so quickly defaced by lunatics and Thatcher’s beautiful likeness was stained by a thrown egg.


Vandals Should Be Punished

This, may I remind everyone, is a criminal offence and I hope that those responsible are caught and punished with immediate effect. The £300,000 statue sits on a 10ft podium, fitting given her God-like status, and stands proud over the city of Grantham. 

I can’t believe we as a nation think vandalism is so acceptable. When did this happen? If you ask me, we should all be immensely proud of Thatcher’s reign and recognise the fact that she made me, and others, a lot of money during the 1980s. 

A CCTV camera has been installed in front of the statue to protect it, but I don’t think this is enough and demand armed guards be on-watch 24 hours a day. Maybe then the thugs will learn to respect the statue and keep their untoward thoughts about the great woman to themselves. 

FA Cup Fans Who Booed Prince William Are A Disgrace

FA Cup Fans Who Booed Prince William Are A Disgrace

Such Disdain For The British Establishment

I’ve had enough people’s disdain for the British establishment. Earlier this week, the FA Cup Final was torpedoed by a group of Liverpool fans who felt it was appropriate to boo the National Anthem and show utter contempt to our wonderful Duke of Cambridge. 

A part of me grows more and more disillusioned with Britain each day. I’m in a true emotional quandary as I, as you know, adore this country, yet an increasing number of its residents have made my life a living hell over the last few years. 

I went to bed in a huff on Saturday night after the scenes at Wembley and told myself that it was only a small minority of people who were responsible. Surely, the number of people in this country with such a strong anti-Establishment agenda is small and insignificant. It was a one-off, I said, an isolated incident. 

That was until I learned about what happened to the Thatcher statue. Local Conservative councilor Linda Wooten said the egging was ‘very disrespectful’ before stating: ‘It was very obvious that something like this was going to happen - but we didn’t expect it to happen so quickly’. 

There are concerns that the statue will become a site for dark tourism and attract people for the wrong reasons. I sincerely hope this doesn’t happen and will do everything in my power to stop this. 

Thatcher's Legacy Should Be Celebrated 

Local Labour councillor Lee Steptoe called statues ‘Victorian concepts’ and also stated that there is ‘no place’ for their presence on the streets of Britain. He is completely wrong, but you don’t need me to tell you that. 

Margaret Thatcher is the greatest Prime Minister of the modern era. Her legacy, leadership, and image should never, ever be forgotten and it’s a shame there aren’t more statues of her gracing this wonderful country. 

Egging her statue and defacing her memory is a complete disgrace - one that should be met with a severe reprimand. Almost ten years after her tragic demise, her influence on Britain continues to be felt by her millions of admirers. 

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to Grantham to do what I do best - protect Britain’s image from thugs, even if it means putting myself in harm’s way of a projectile egg.



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