I Abhor Train Strikes!


The RMT’s decision to wreak havoc across the UK with a series of train strikes beginning this week is quite frankly disgusting and embarrassing for our great nation. After what the people of our nation have had to endure with the pandemic and now the cost of living crisis, the timing of this decision will push many businesses over the edge.

Passengers are being advised to avoid trains as much as they can ahead of the upcoming rail strikes. Rail services across the UK will be greatly affected, meaning thousands of people will be unable to get to work, school, or university.


Disruption Is Shameful

Thousands of train workers will walk out this week and threaten to disrupt the lives of thousands of people across the country. It’s shameful, embarrassing, and unacceptable - something needs to be done to stop these never-ending strikes and put the power of Great British rail back where it belongs - in the hands of the senior executives.

You’ve heard me say it many times before - a well-fed dog is a lazy dog. If we continually give in to train workers’ demands, then the power dynamic will soon shift in favour of the workers. The hammer and sickle brigade will most likely wreak havoc on our rails as they beg the well-off, successful, and benevolent (in other words, people like me) for more and more control. 

I often have this conversation with my cleaners and gardeners. When I feel like they’re getting a little too close to each other, I lay down the law to quell any anti-Ping sentiment they may have and make sure they don’t consider starting a dangerous coalition. If I’m not careful, I could be paying these people more than double than I already do - a prospect scary enough to keep me awake at night. 

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Spending Habits Are Why Youngsters Can’t Buy A Home

Flashbacks From The 70’s

Running a business is a lot like running a country. You have to keep your subjects in line and keep a keen eye out for any dissidents. You must ensure that the values of the institution are embraced by everyone. You need, most importantly, to encourage support of those at the top of the tree as much as you can. 

Just hearing the word ‘strike’ gives me frightening flashbacks to the 1970s - a time when trade unions were at the peak of their reign of terror and ghastly punk music had me worrying about the safety of Her Majesty every night. It was a bleak time in my life and I began to wonder if this descent into moral chaos would ever end. Thankfully, Margaret Thatcher arrived on the scene and showed everybody who was boss. 

Government Should Intervene

Whilst we aren’t as lucky this time, we are still blessed to live in the era of Boris Johnson and Jacob Rees-Mogg - two wonderful leaders who I’m sure are as livid over these strikes as I am. The pair simply must join forces and crush any opposition anyone may have over the proceedings of Network Rail. You have to ask yourself - what’s more important? The schedules and lives of busy, hard-working Brits, or the political leanings of the nation’s rail workers? I think we both know the answer to that question. 

There will be no trains whatsoever in areas such as Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Penzance. The strikes are expected to take place on the 21st,, 2rd3, and 25th of June and will have devastating after effects. For starters, services will operate with a fraction of the staff they usually have and there will most likely be delays on most trains. It’s an absolute disgrace and it seems like Network Rail needs a new, strong leader to help maximise productivity and make sure the workers are on-track to hit their daily goals.

I’ll do you all a favour and consider applying for this position. With me at the helm, you can expect to see British rail become, once again, the best train service in the world. I would do the job with a smile on my face, my sleeves rolled up, and my iron fist very much clenched.


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