I back Patel In Battle Against Fuel Protesters


Selfish fuel protests have gridlocked our roads and further added to the summer of chaos the United Kingdom is currently experiencing. 

Britain’s roads, rails, and skies are all due to face mass disruption as allegedly overworked and underpaid staff have decided to take their frustrations out on the innocent British public and on the hard-working UK government.


New Police Powers To Be Actioned

The M4 motorway saw widespread disruption earlier this week as go-slow divers clogged the roads during the morning rush-hour. Some members of the government have had enough and have decided to take measures into their own hands to bring the protests to an end. 

The Home Secretary, Priti Patel, has urged police to utlise new powers banning disruptive protests and needlessly congesting the country’s highways and byways. Recent changes to the law have (at last) allowed the government to impose legal penalties on irritating protesters and bring their reign of terror to an end. 

If you follow this blog, you’ll know that I’m a huge fan of Priti Patel and believe she has the Thatcher-like touch to bring this country into a new golden age. She has the intelligence, savvy and calculated touch required to make it in politics and I would love to see her take over in Downing Street one day. I wholeheartedly applaud her decision to lock-up these annoying eco-warriors and stamp down on the anti-government sentiment that’s so rampant today.

Priti Patel A Breath Of Fresh Air

Priti Patel A Breath Of Fresh Air

Protesters Disrespecting Our Government

Around 12 people were arrested on Monday as a result of the protests and they need to think about what they’ve done and who they’ve done it to. How dare they disrespect this government like this. Our leaders are working day and night to help keep fuel costs down and the cost-of-living crisis at bay and protesting like this is a slap in their faces. 

Most people don’t realize just how lucky we are to live under this government. Not only did they deliver a world-class vaccination program, but they're also devising new methods to help keep Britain’s streets safe from pitchfork-yielding protesters. If you ask me, those in charge could not have done a better job so far and I sincerely hope they reign over us forever. 

A government spokesperson stated: ‘’The Government has given police a lot of powers to deal with this sort of stuff and we are looking to them to use it. We want to know they are going to do about it.’’

I want to know, too, as I’m sick of encountering dangerous protests wherever I go. I can’t even walk down the street or go for a drive without seeing power-hungry protesters bringing this great country to a standstill. There are problems in this country, sure, but taking it out on our dear government will achieve precisely nothing and will only worsen our problems.

18-Years On And Reagan Remains One Of The Greatest

18-Years On And Reagan Remains One Of The Greatest

I back Patel Against Protests

I’ve backed Boris Johnson and co. from day one, and my deep allegiance to them will never, ever falter no matter how bad things get. I take solace in the fact we have leaders like Priti Patel overseeing the public’s business and keeping them in line should they choose to misbehave or cause disruption.

Hopefully, the Home Secretary will do the right thing and outlaw any and all protests against the United Kingdom. What we need in this country isn’t disruption and blocked roads, rather a feeling of unity and confidence in our glorious government. 

If you’re tempted to join in on these disgraceful protests, remember that the watchful eye of Priti Patel will be following your every move.


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