James Corden Please Return To Your Rightful Home


I turned on my television this morning only to find out that beloved comedian and host James Corden is leaving his post on The Late Late Show next year.

Corden’s infectious positivity, relatable personality, and envelope-pushing Carpool Karaoke skits have permanently changed the face of mainstream talk shows. He deserves a lot of credit and I’m hoping that the British public lavishes him with the respect he is owed when his plane touches down in London. 


Corden Is A National Treasure

Though the show is American, meaning I’m rarely awake to watch it, I have deep respect for the talented Mr. Corden and have been lamenting his departure and have felt jaded for several hours now. You see, I consider Corden somewhat of a national treasure and the fact he’s been able to crossover to the American public is a testament to his talent and charming demeanor. 

I’m all for seeing British faces appear on international TV stations and Corden had my unwavering support when he departed for sunny Los Angeles in 2014. I dutifully watched as much of his show as I possibly could and was never, ever disappointed. Yes, I was up late to watch the shows, but it was certainly worth it. 

I Am Corden To The Bone

Mr Corden has been gracing the USA’s screens for eight long years now. During that time, he’s captivated our dear allies with his wit, candidness, and penchant for a hilarious anecdote. Whilst I find British comedy to be far superior, I must admit that his presence on the Late Late Show has pulled me into other talk shows and American television in general. Who will replace Corden? I have no idea, but suffice to say I have no interest in watching them. It wouldn’t be an understatement to say I’m Corden to the bone. 

I often watch Carpool Karaoke if I’m having a bad day or need to calm down after I’ve let myself down at a social event. Usually, it works wonders and I quickly get back to my normal self and can start my day afresh. 

Corden’s Return To Mark A Golden Age

The only silver living to Corden’s departure is the recent news that Piers Morgan is returning to our screens. This means that we lose one Brit yet see the triumphant return of another. It's almost poetic how one window closes and another one opens. 

Perhaps this is the beginning of a new golden age of British television now that the two beloved Brits are back. Perhaps it’s time to unleash legends like Jeremy Clarkson and Jim Davidson on mainstream TV and see whatever gold they come up with.

All Hail The Return Of Social Media!

All Hail The Return Of Social Media!


Welcome Home James Corden

Hopefully Corden comes back to his rightful home. With viewership figures declining on the CBS Network (not through the fault of James, of course), he has no reason to keep applying his trade across the Atlantic. I think I speak for everyone when I say we’d welcome the host back to Britain with the most open of arms. 

Corden has previously complained of feeling homesick. In 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, he candidly talked about missing the UK and his wish to return to his homeland. Now he has that chance, and I’d love to see him buddy up with Piers Morgan to add a touch of comedy on the latter’s forward-thinking new program on TalkTV. 

Though it’s sad that Corden is leaving, he’ll be pleased to know that there’ll always be a place for him here in Blighty. I, for one, wouldn’t mind seeing a reboot of the acclaimed Gavin & Stacey or a Carpool Karaoke with Jacob-Rees Mogg or Katie Hopkins. I can only dream, but I can’t deny my excitement for seeing his glorious return. I may even wait for him at the airport. 



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