Prime Energy Drink Another Celebrity Gimmick


Logan Paul and KSI’s PRIME hydration drink seems to be the latest product in the merry-go-round of inferior celebrity products. 

The two YouTubers, who are apparently big stars, launched the drink last year and it’s become nothing short of a sensation, or so I’ve been told - as I plan on never touching the stuff. Call me old-fashioned, but I think I’ll be sticking to good-old Earl Grey instead. 

I’ve never heard of either of them, but I did notice the long queues and online buzz the drink has caused with their young fans. Whilst I’m not against celebrities diversifying their business portfolios, I have to seriously question PRIME’s health benefits and overall transparency.


Overpriced And Unhealthy

Marketed as a sports drink like Lucozade, PRIME is the latest installment in the ‘electrolyte’ pseudoscience and, upon closer inspection, it’s not nearly as healthy as you’d think. 

For one, the beverage appears to be loaded with caffeine - something that isn’t at all healthy for the age bracket who’d watch Logan Paul videos. It’s also outrageously expensive, with some retailers selling cans of it for £100. 

The ridiculous price isn’t directly the fault of Paul or KSI, but they seem to have made little effort to supply the drink to enough shopkeepers. If you merely want a caffeine-boost, then why not just by those god-awful 35p energy drinks every corner shop insists on stocking?

Celebrity Gimmick

Paul, who is now a WWE wrestler, is one of the best-known Youtubers in the world and him as KSI pulled some strings to make their drink the official one of Arsenal FC. Given how many school children look up to footballers, perhaps giving them the club thousands of e-number-laden PRIME bottles was a bad idea. 

We’ve also seen other celebrities launch so-called ‘healthy’ energy drinks, though no such concept exists. Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, who is also a WWE wrestler, launched his ZOA drink last year to massive success. The drink, which apparently has natural energy, is again loaded with caffeine and should not be drunk in large quantities. 

PRIME Hydration is nothing short of a gimmick, and I seriously worry for anybody who’s willing to pay upwards of £100 for an overly-sweet and under-researched form of caffeine. 


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