Right On The Money With Work From Home Analogy, Boris


It seems Britain can’t go a day without its Prime Minister saying something controversial. Boris Johnson’s latest verbal smackdown came this week as he lashed out on the work-from-home culture gripping the country. 

Johnson stated that there was a ‘’post-Covid work from home manana culture’’ and questioned if the practice was ‘’productive as all that’’. Some said his comments were rude and insensitive, but I must admit that I agree with him. If you ask me, I think our PM is right on the money with his assessment and I think it’s paramount that we embrace traditional working culture if we have any hope of returning to our normal productivity levels.


Passport Office Overwhelmed 

The Prime Minister’s statements were made amid reports that the Passport Office is completely overwhelmed with work and has been working through a long, grueling backlog. Some Britons have been waiting for over 10 weeks, putting their holiday plans in enormous jeopardy. 

One of the reasons why the Passport Office is in such a perilous position is due to a large number of its staff undoubtedly slacking off at home instead of generating some elbow grease. You know the saying - when the going gets tough, the tough get going. 

Delighted With The New Jubilee Bank Holiday

Delighted With The New Jubilee Bank Holiday

No More Need For Home-Offices

Since the coronavirus pandemic unfolded two years ago, employers everywhere have had to adapt to home-working. Zoom calls have become commonplace (though they’re often disastrous and go on for far too long) and virtual documents are now the norm. 

Whilst this all made sense two years ago, it seems obsolete today. There’s little need for our workers to still be shacked up at home and a great need for them to be back in the office. 

The removal of coronavirus restrictions means there’s no need for home-offices in the vast majority of cases. It’s become easy for workers to slack off and spend their days on Tik-Tok or watching old episodes of Judge Rinder. Britain could, and should, do much better and ensure that each day is the most productive it can possibly be. 

Johnson’s comments come against a gloomy backdrop of skyrocketing energy prices and an overall cost of living problem. If the public were back in their rightful places of work, then they wouldn’t spend so much time at home using energy-devouring devices and racking up their bills. 

Jogging bottoms and Hawaiian shirts would, thankfully, no longer be part of  professional attire and the public can return to wearing dress shirts and ties. The Zoom craze will finally end and stay dead and buried forever (I hope).

Absolutely Right, Rees-Mogg They Should Return To The Office

Absolutely Right, Rees-Mogg They Should Return To The Office


I Agree With The Government

Fellow Conservative Jacob-Rees Mogg also attracted controversy on this subject by leaving a series of ‘sorry you were out’ notes across Whitehall offices. I think it’s fair to say the government is disillusioned with the work-from-home craze and wishes for its conclusion as soon as possible. Rees-Mogg was called out of touch for his actions, but I’d argue it’s merely a sign of his frustration. 

I’m compelled to agree with the government on this issue. During this tough and testing time, both domestically and abroad, it’s vital that we roll up our sleeves and embrace proper working culture again. 

A generation of home-workers is a soft generation, and that’s the last thing the country needs in the future. Britain needs to be at full fitness if it has any chance of weathering current and future storms, and one of the only ways it’ll do this is if it embraces its proper working environment. 

Instead of finding every excuse to berate our Prime Minister, let’s take a step back and consider the nuance in his comments. Britain needs to return to the office soon and show the rest of the world how to go to work. 



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