The Liver King Is A Fraud!


The man known to the Internet as the Liver King has surprised absolutely nobody by admitting his steroid usage after over a year of claiming he ‘had never touched the stuff.’

The Liver King, whose real name is Brian Johnson, has built a social media empire over the last 18 months with his videos and posts. Claiming that his build was a result of an ‘ancestral’ lifestyle, Johnson soon attracted millions of online followers, a large percentage of them buying his supplements. 


Caught Out

Not knowing what was really going on behind the scenes, the Liver King’s disciples (who are nicknamed his ‘primals’ by Johnson) have presumably spent a fortune on his useless supplements and vomit-inducing dietary items. Videos showing Johnson eating raw liver, bone marrow, and eggs have become infamous, though it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that eating such material in its raw form can easily cause infection. 

Nobody in their right mind could have been surprised when the Liver King admitted to his steroid usage, nor would they have been duped by Johnson’s forced, ‘I’m sorry I got caught’ apology. 

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Well-Being Has Become A Commodity

For me, Johnson represents the final boss of the vapid fitness ‘influencers’ who’ve taken social media by storm over recent years. With their enhanced physiques and overpriced clothing lines, they’ve managed to suck all the enjoyment out of the fitness industry and turn well-being into a commodity. 

One of the first things human society figured out was that cooking meat kills harmful bacteria and makes it tastier and easy to digest. You don’t need to be Aristotle to figure out that those who believed in the Liver King’s gimmick essentially discarded 10,000 years of history and knowledge - presumably in an effort to get fit with as little effort as possible. 

The dopamine age has had a devastating effect on the fitness industry. As The Liver King’s empire crumbles in front of him, let’s take a moment and reflect on why we allowed him to get so popular in the first place.


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