Return Of The Lynch


The terrifying Mick Lynch is back with a vengeance as the striking epidemic is set to return to Britain this summer and services everywhere could see even more disruption than last year. 

The RMT boss has declared that yet more misery is to be inflicted on the well-meaning British public, with their rail services set to be cut just as the weather starts to improve and events start to kick-off. 

Lynch grabbed headlines last year after the majority of rail workers started complaining that their salaries weren’t large enough to fund their lifestyles. Whilst I’m all for workers getting a fair deal, I felt like the real victims in the madness were the everyday folk who were just trying to live their lives.


Lynch’s Return Deflating

Mr. Lynch has urged the government to aim to settle the long-running dispute as soon as possible. Passengers were affected by rail strikes earlier this week, the majority of them most likely having flashbacks to the summer of 2022, when it felt like Britain was collectively off from work. 

Add in the Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion protests, the brutal heatwave, and the untimely death of Her Majesty, and it’s a miracle we got through 2022 unscathed. I was hoping that his year would represent somewhat of a clean slate for Britain, but the return of Lynch to the headlines has left me feeling deflated and outright terrified. 

Resolution Needed

The coronation of King Charles has provided a rare glimmer of hope in what has been a topsy-turvy year for Great Britain, and I’m sincerely hoping that the appointment of a new Royal overlord will humble the millions of striking workers. 

The United Kingdom should be run as a well-oiled machine with its workers, bosses, and government officials all pulling in the same direction. If we wish to reach the heights we set in decades past, then figures like Mick Lynch must become obsolete. 

It’s time to leave mass-strikes behind in the past. With a new King to impress, let’s all make sure that we’re on our best form as 2023 develops. 


Lord Ping is an online casino with over 3000 online slots and live casino table games.



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