Welcome Back Piers Morgan!


I don’t use the word ‘hero’ too often, but I feel that Piers Morgan fits that description like a glove. For Morgan represents a disappearing breed of strong, unapologetic hosts and is the voice of the average Brit. 

One year after his heroic exit from Good Morning Britain, Morgan is back on our screen with his delightful new program soon airing on Talk TV. Old-fashioned Brits like me will finally have a platform to hear Morgan’s amazing insights and profound takes on the pressures of modern society and life. It’s not easy living in the 2020s, but Morgan’s unfiltered views provide somewhat of an antidote. 


Vision And Passion For British Customs

Morgan may be controversial, but he’s not afraid to rock the boat and say what he really feels. He isn’t one of these plastic, manufactured television hosts whose opinions change depending on their guests. He’s a visionary, and I love his unwavering support for the Royal Family and his passion for traditional British customs. 

I’m sure Morgan will feature guests from all walks of life and encourage them to talk about their journeys in ways only he can. Better yet, the host could even introduce a new golden era of British TV and give it the shot in the arm it so desperately needs. Compare that to the drudgery of typical news programs - whose only angle is to depress viewers and read them pre-agreed dialogue from telemonitors. 

Tyson Fury Is A

Tyson Fury Is A

Returning To Our Screens 

I have not watched Good Morning Britain since his departure and I refuse to watch whatever corporate, characterless hosts they currently have. His new show, Piers Morgan Uncensored, will surely fill my appetite for intelligent, composed discussion on current issues. He’ll also be free from the bureaucracy and constant meddling of mainstream news programs. 

Sadly, Morgan seems to have become a marginalized figure in today’s world. Maybe there just isn’t room for a confident, charismatic, host with opinions he feels passionate about. I was delighted when I heard the news and will be getting the popcorn stocked for the debut episode. My eyes were slightly damp after his cruel dismissal from his previous show, and I stood in solidarity with him for weeks afterwards. 

Expect Controversy

Will Piers Morgan Uncensored cause controversy? Almost certainly, but all good television shows do. I’m particularly looking forward to hearing his rants on Prince Harry as he seems to be the only popular host who has the courage to do so. His takedowns on the bumbling MPs during the coronavirus crisis were a pleasure to listen to, and one can only hope he has future smackdowns planned on his new venture. 

I have no idea what other tricks Morgan has up his sleeve, but it goes without saying that I’m eagerly anticipating each and every one. Though he’s not popular with the younger generations, I still view him as the benchmark for every aspiring journalist or reporter. He says what people are too afraid to say and doesn’t accept anything less than excellence. 

I applaud You Boris

I applaud You Boris

Television Needs Mavericks

We simply need mavericks like Piers Morgan on our screens and having to go a whole year without him was akin to torture. His recent interview with Donald Trump showcased his journalistic integrity and his penchant for asking hard-hitting, dynamic questions. It was just a sneak peek of what’s to come on his new show, but it was enough to get me hooked. 

I, for one, am welcoming back Piers Morgan with open arms. I’ll be sure to cancel all my plans for the day of his first show, and watch his show from the comfort of my large living room and hugely expensive television. Welcome back, Piers, you were certainly missed. 



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